Friday, February 18, 2022 // 11:30AM-12:30PM MST
“Sports Impact on Socio-economic Inequalities”
Keynote Speaker
Dr. Ken L. Harris, PH.D.
President/CEO The National Business League
Dr. Kenneth L. Harris is one of the most sought-after Black economists, intellectual scholars and Black business historians in the country. A proud vegan, yoga teacher and naturopathic health advocate, Dr. Harris is known for his innovative style and visionary approach to addressing societal and economic challenges within Black and Brown communities throughout the world. Dr. Harris became the 12th National President/CEO of the National Business League, Inc (NBL)., founded by Booker T. Washington in 1900, encompassing more than 120,000 members, 125 Fortune 500 corporate partners, 365 local league chapters throughout all 50 states and internationally, with access to 2.9 million Black-owned businesses across the country, celebrating 120 years of Black excellence.