Nationals Summer Camps - COVID-19 Protocols

Nationals Baseball & Softball Camps COVID-19 Protocols

We will continue to monitor and update the COVID-19 protocols and procedures to align with the most up to date guidelines from the CDC and State and Local governments. Please note that we will follow all protocols on COVID-19 testing and vaccination for campers should they become required at any of our camp facilities.

Please see below for the 2021 Nationals Baseball & Softball Summer Camps COVID-19 protocols. All protocols from 2021 are subject to updating as we continue to gather information and approach the summer.


We ask that you stay vigilant in monitoring you camper(s) for any signs of illness including, but not limited to:

  • Fever of 100.4 or higher
  • Shortness of Breath
  • Difficulty Breathing
  • Cold-like symptoms (cough, runny nose, etc.)
  • Sore Throat
  • Chills
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Headache
  • Fatigue
  • Diarrhea
  • Muscle or body aches
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Any other symptom listed on the CDC website

If your camper is exhibiting any of the above symptoms, or is showing other signs of illness, we require that you keep your camper home until the following conditions have been met:

  • He/she has had a negative COVID-19 test; OR
  • Has been free of fever and/or any fever-reducing medication for seventy-two (72) hours, other symptoms have improved, and at least ten (10) days have passed since symptoms first appeared.

In addition, we require that you to keep your camper(s) home if they have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 or if someone in the household has any of the signs of illness listed above.

Campers and camper families who have recently traveled outside their local community are required to follow applicable state and local guidelines regarding post-travel quarantine and testing. To find the most accurate guidelines for your state and locality, please refer to the CDC website.

If your camper tests positive for COVID-19 during the week of camp, you will be required to alert us immediately by contacting [email protected] or by calling (202) 715-6683.


Upon drop-off, it is required for all individuals in the vehicle to wear a mask.

We ask that you stay in your car during drop-off, and do not walk your camper up to the check-in area.

Your camper will be screened for symptoms of COVID-19 upon arrival at camp by one of our trained staff members. Part of this screening will include a temperature check using a non-contact forehead thermometer. This is a quick process with the parent/guardian and camper remaining in the car until the camper receives clearance to participate in camp. If your camper's temperature is 100.4 degree or higher, he/she will not able to join us at camp.

We will have staff posted at the designated drop-off area to greet and walk your camper to our contact-free check-in process.

We will maintain social distancing measures to ensure a contact-free check-in process.

Markings on the ground and signage will be used to show your camper where to stand and where to go throughout the process.

We will provide your camper with hand sanitizer upon arrival. If there are any allergies that we need to be aware of, please let us know.

Camp Procedures

We will have proper PPE available for all staff and campers on site.

If your camper falls ill during camp, we will have an isolated area to care for him/her until you or another parent/guardian is able to pick him/her up.

We will have signs posted throughout camp to remind campers of proper hygiene procedures.

In addition to our hydration and sunscreen breaks, we will take breaks to either wash hands or administer hand sanitizer to campers.

During bathroom breaks, we will be implementing a "one in, one out" policy.

Please pack your camper's lunch in a sealed lunch bag marked with your camper's name. We will store lunches separately from others until lunch time.

Campers will eat lunch with their team while following social distancing procedures.

Campers will not be allowed to share water bottles, and we encourage you to pack enough water for the day if you are uncomfortable with your camper using camp-provided hydration stations.

  • Please note these hydration stations will be cleaned and sanitized daily for the safety of your camper and our staff.

During full camp meetings, your camper will sit with his/her team, and all campers will maintain social distancing measures.

Social Distancing:

Staff and campers will maintain a social distance of 6 feet. If social distancing cannot be achieved in small areas due to restricted occupancy, staff will regulate occupancy and require campers to wear masks. For example, during bathroom breaks we will implement a "one in, one out" policy.

Face Masks:

Camp staff will wear face masks at all times regardless of distance.

Campers will be required to bring a mask to camp each day. Campers will be required to wear masks during any time spent indoors due to inclement weather, as well as camp breaks, meetings, and drop-off/pick-up.

Campers will not be required to wear face masks during baseball/softball activity or if there is extreme heat.

If a camper forgets his/her mask, one will be provided on-site.

Nationals Baseball & Softball Summer Camps will follow all jurisdictional and facility-specific guidelines on face masks.


Each team will have a designated area "dugout" to keep their gear/bags, and campers' bags will be separated.

We will sanitize/wipe down equipment after each session of drills.

During games, game balls will be sanitized after every inning.

Campers are required to use their own gloves and batting gloves, and are encouraged to utilize their own bats if possible.

High-fives, handshakes, and other forms of celebration involving contact will not be allowed. Instead, hat tips/waves will be used to show sportsmanship and celebration.

If physical contact occurs during a game or drill, we will provide campers with hand sanitizer as soon as the play is over.


We ask that, if possible, the same person who dropped your camper off pick them up at the end of the day.

Please stay in your car when you arrive; we will bring your camper to you.


We will routinely clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces throughout the camp day.

We will use daily checklists to ensure that all equipment, surfaces (e.g., doorknobs, light switches, sink handles, counter tops, cooler buttons, etc.), restrooms, and lunch areas are sanitized before the start of the next camp day.

We will use products that are EPA-approved for use against COVID-19 and we will follow manufacturer's instructions related to safe storage, concentration, contact time, and protective equipment for all cleaning and disinfection.

Camper Illness

If a camper begins to manifest symptoms of a potential COVID-19 infection while at camp, we will contact his/her parent/guardian immediately in accordance with camp communication protocol. If, in the judgment of our leadership staff, the camper is exhibiting serious symptoms necessitating further emergency action, we will proactively seek additional medical assistance in addition to contacting the designated parent/guardian.

We will keep any camper suspected of COVID-19 infection isolated in a designated area and attended to by a limited number of trained staff while the camper awaits pick up.

We will activate substantial additional sanitization protocol to clean and disinfect any surfaces and objects prior to allowing campers back in any area inhabited by a camper suspected of coronavirus infection.


If we receive notice from a parent/guardian of a confirmed or presumptive case of COVID-19 amongst our campers, we will follow these procedures:

  • Directly contact families of campers who were in immediate contact with the camper in question.
  • Notify campers who were not believed to be in direct contact with the camper, but attended the same week of programming.