Oct. 27 Alex Gordon postgame interview
Q. Familia had been so good in the postseason, you obviously haven't seen him a bunch. Take us through that at-bat and the thrill of it, I suppose.
ALEX GORDON: Never saw him before, knew he was really good. Definitely wasn't trying to do that against him. Great sinker, so I wanted to be ready for it.
The at-bat before with Salvy, I saw him quick pitch. I wasn't expecting that and I wanted to make sure when I got on the box I was ready to hit. And he tried to quick pitch me and left the ball right there to hit and with a guy like that you can't miss pitches that he gives you to hit. And that's what happened.
Q. Did Eric say anything to you in the dugout when you came in, like, Thanks for getting me off the hook?
ALEX GORDON: No, absolutely not. We don't do things like that. We pick each other up and we don't hang our heads when stuff like that happens. We understand that baseball is about adversity and overcoming it, and that's what he did. Guys picked him up and eventually he finished the game off with that sac fly. Gold Glove, first baseman, it was a tough hop, but he usually makes that play.
Q. I guess apparently Edinson's father passed away today, and how did you guys all find out? When did you find out? What was it like in the dugout? Ned said family had not wanted Edinson to know.
ALEX GORDON: Most guys didn't know. I found out in I think it was the 14th inning, right before we won the game. I was standing next to Ned and he told me, he said, Let's win this game for Volquez, and explained what happened.
I don't think he knew, I don't think most guys knew. In the locker room during the celebration we all talked about it. That's tough. But we're a family, and we rallied around him and picked him up and hopefully everything is okay.
Q. Does anything this team do surprise you now, with the dramatic Postseason victories and the way you always seem to find a way to pull out a big win?
ALEX GORDON: I mean, not really. I'll tell you, we never get frustrated or hang our heads when we're down. We always feel like we can come back and either make it a game or win the game. I think that speaks for our team chemistry that we all pull together and we're all fighting for one thing, and that's to get the W, and hopefully that shows when we go out there and play. I think it does.
Q. I know hitters don't like to be quick pitched. How tough was that for that at-bat?
ALEX GORDON: It's part of the game. A lot of guys do it now. You've just got to understand with the scouting reports you've got to know that a pitcher does that. Luckily I didn't know it, but I saw it with Salvy.
And when I got up there I usually like to get loose, but I got ready right away just to make sure. With nobody on, it's part of baseball. So they're trying to get you out any way that they can. We've got a guy that does it, too, with Cueto. It works both ways, and you've just got to be ready for it.