Ellis, Mattingly ejected for arguing strike call
Manager tossed for second time this week, appeared to bump umpire

CHICAGO -- Dodgers second baseman Mark Ellis and manager Don Mattingly were ejected by home-plate umpire Alan Porter for arguing a strike-three call in the fourth inning of the Dodgers' 6-2 win over the Cubs on Friday.
In the ensuing argument, Mattingly and Porter appeared to bump while Mattingly was continuing the argument and looking at crew chief Jerry Layne. It was Mattingly's second ejection this week.
"I didn't feel I was going forward," Mattingly said. "I saw the video and I wasn't going forward. I feel OK about that."
Ellis took the 3-2 cutter from Travis Wood and started walking to first base when Porter made the strike-three motion. Ellis stopped and reacted with astonishment at the call. He said something and was immediately ejected.
"I said 'bad call' and I got thrown out of the game," Ellis said. "I don't know if he was having a bad day or what. Everybody has a different level of tolerance.
"It was silly and embarrassing to get thrown out, especially when there was no reason."
Ellis, who said this was only the second ejection of his career, was right about Porter having a bad day. Porter had already heard an earful in the third inning from Cubs pitching coach Chris Bosio, who Porter barked at after hearing strike-zone complaints while Wood was issuing four consecutive walks.
After Ellis was ejected, Mattingly took up the argument with Porter. Mattingly also was ejected in Wednesday night's 3-0 loss to the Yankees for complaining about a check-swing non-call from third-base umpire Bill Miller.
This was Mattingly's third ejection this year.