@Yogi8 When You Come to a Fork in the Road...Tweet It
Would Mickey Mantle, Teddy Ballgame or Al Kaline have had Twitter accounts?
I now "tweet"…never thought I would. I'm a bit old school and always told people, "If I need to let you know what I'm up to I'll give you a call or come find you."
Well, I'll admit I was wrong about Twitter and Facebook and so on. The world moves pretty fast and getting left behind with my Atari and Huey Lewis and The News cassettes will get me nothing, except maybe the high score on Pitfall and "Hip To Be Square" stuck in my head.
So at a certain point I hopped on the "Information Superhighway" and have remained in the far right lane…until I get the hang of it that is.
I follow a lot of people -- everyone from friends, and family, to Evan and Eva Longoria. It's kind of cool to know that Eva is having a party at Beso in LA or that my brother Paulie just taught his 2 year old to say "Uncle Mike is the best!" We are all connected these days and I'm good with it but as a baseball fan it makes me think, "What would 'The Mick' tweet?"
Would Mickey Mantle, Teddy Ballgame or Al Kaline have had Twitter accounts? Would we wake up each day and see @Yogi8 tweeting, "It gets late early out there"? I sit here in the MLB Fan Cave surrounded by images of baseball past, present and future and wonder what the little leaguers of today and future stars of tomorrow have at their finger tips in the year 2027.
Personally, I think The Mick was a bit too "Aw shucks" to tweet his every thought or move. I think Ted Williams was too busy being the best pure hitter the game has ever seen to log on to Twitter and tell you about it.
At the end of the day, try as we might, we can never compare yesterday to today or tomorrow. The past is the past and what will be will be. The best we can do is enjoy the ride.Who are your favorite past ball players? And what do you think they would tweet? Send me some examples @mikeyoh21
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