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Chase Shugart

Most Recent Game & Best of the Last 10 Games

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Pitch Type:Changeup
Pitch Speed:90.3 mph
Spin Rate:1726 rpm
Most Recent Game

Chase Shugart's changeup fools Josh Lowe

AB: Josh LoweP: Chase Shugart

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Last 52 batters faced

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Pitch Type:Four-Seam Fastball
Pitch Speed:95.5 mph
Spin Rate:2177 rpm
Nasty Pitch

Chase Shugart retires Miguel Vargas with a four-seam fastball

AB: Miguel VargasP: Chase Shugart

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Pitch Type:Sweeper
Pitch Speed:79.2 mph
Spin Rate:2874 rpm
Nasty Pitch

Chase Shugart retires Lenyn Sosa with a sweeper

AB: Lenyn SosaP: Chase Shugart

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Pitch Type:Sweeper
Pitch Speed:80.3 mph
Spin Rate:2899 rpm
Nasty Pitch

Chase Shugart sneaks a sweeper past Dillon Dingler for strike three

AB: Dillon DinglerP: Chase Shugart

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Pitch Type:Sweeper
Pitch Speed:81.8 mph
Spin Rate:2745 rpm
Nasty Pitch

Chase Shugart gets Spencer Torkelson swinging on a sweeper for strike three

AB: Spencer TorkelsonP: Chase Shugart

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Pitch Type:Sweeper
Pitch Speed:81.9 mph
Spin Rate:2931 rpm
Nasty Pitch

Chase Shugart sneaks a sweeper past Ramón Urías for strike three

AB: Ramón UríasP: Chase Shugart

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Pitch Type:Changeup
Pitch Speed:89.9 mph
Spin Rate:1725 rpm
Nasty Pitch

Chase Shugart sneaks a changeup past Jackson Holliday for strike three

AB: Jackson HollidayP: Chase Shugart