A devoted Indians fan sent a hand-crocheted afghan to everyone on her favorite team

We all love our favorite baseball teams, and want them to do well. We want them to be healthy, happy and in pennant-winning shape -- but perhaps no one wants that more than 67-year-old Indians fan Jacque Mazey, who crocheted an afghan for every member of her favorite team … and then some:

Terry Francona seemed pretty happy with his gift:

So, that's more than forty crocheted blankets, at around one million stitches each. Where did we learn that fact? From the thoughtful, handwritten notes she included with them:

Millions of stiches are one thing, but writing actual letters in 2016? That's real love. And the Indians love her back --- they'll be bringing her to a game at some point during the team's final homestand. 

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