A fan accidentally broke the Bryce Harper-Giants meeting

Usually during the Hot Stove season, fans rely on MLB insiders on their Twitter timelines and televisions to give them the latest news on where free agents may be signing or what big trade might be going down next. But sometimes, the so-called "scoops" can fall into the laps of everyday people without any ambitions of chasing after breaking news. 
Enter Ronny, a Giants fan from Sacramento who happened to be spending some time in Las Vegas earlier this week when he saw a familiar face:

Indeed, his optimistic assumptions about why Giants president and CEO Larry Baer may have been strolling through the lobby of one of the most famous hotels in Las Vegas turned out to be accurate. Reports about Baer, in addition to a larger Giants contingent, meeting with Harper began to surface on Wednesday, a full day after Ronny tweeted out his photo. Sometimes, all it takes is being in the right place at the right time. If you're a baseball fan in the Las Vegas area, stay alert -- the latest Bryce Harper scoop might be right in front of you!
As for the possibility of Harper actually signing with the Giants, it is worth noting that he has quite the track record of sharing his affinity for the city of San Francisco over the years:

While Harper's decision will likely have more to do with which team offers him the biggest contract or the best opportunity to win a World Series, it certainly can't hurt the Giants' chances that the superstar 26-year-old already loves the Bay Area.

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