Now that Maicer Izturis is retired, Bartolo Colon is the last Expo standing

Last season, we told you about the most compelling race on earth. No, it's not Billy Hamilton and Usain Bolt driving teams of dogs in the Iditarod (though we absolutely would watch that). It's the race to be …the Last Expo Standing.
As of last year, there were only two competitors left -- Maicer Izturis, who played for Montreal in 2004, and Bartolo Colon, who was on the team in 2002. Colon has seven years on Izturis (he's 42 to Iztursis' 35), but guess what? He just won the race. From's Gregor Chisholm: 
"I made the decision that my career is going to be over; I'm going to retire," Izturis said through interpreter Luis Rivera. "I put my heart, my soul and my body into it this year to see how I was going to feel, but my body couldn't handle it anymore. So I decided this is the last time I'm going to be playing baseball."
While that definitively makes Bartolo the last active MLB player who played in Montreal, there are still a few active big leaguers who played in the Expos' Minor League system. Chief among them are Brandon Phillips (who was included with Colon and Cliff Lee in the trade to the Indians) and Ian Desmond, who just signed on to play left field with the Texas Rangers.
While you wouldn't think Colon will still be playing longer than both of those players, we're actually pretty sure he'll outlast all of us. When civilization has crumbled and the world is unrecognizable, there will still be Bartolo Colon, just having the best time: 

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