The Braves honored Walter Banks, usher for 50 years, with his own bobblehead

Bobbleheads aren't always about cashing in on a popular player or mascot. Sure, those are easy promotions, but sometimes, it can mean a lot more. Case in point: Walter Banks, who is an usher for the Braves at SunTrust Park.
On July 5, the Braves will give away a bobblehead honoring Banks for his years of service to the team. The event was announced in January, but on Wednesday, the Braves released a video showing his stunned reaction to seeing his face on a bobblehead for the first time:

Banks is absolutely beloved by Braves fans. After all, he's been an usher for the team for a long time ...

... like, a really long time.

When you've been around since Hank Aaron's glory days, you know you're an Atlanta institution.
In fact, Banks predates the Braves themselves -- his first season was with the Minor League Atlanta Crackers in 1965, which was the first season of play at Atlanta-Fulton County Stadium before the Braves officially moved there from Milwaukee in 1966. Since then, he's seen numerous Hall of Famers perfect their craft on the field while raising championship flags left and right, including the 1995 World Series title.
Now in his 54th year with the team, Banks at last has his own bobblehead. We couldn't be happier for him.

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