Does Bryce Harper's Fortnite Instagram hold a secret about his free agency?

It's looking increasingly likely that 2019 will begin with no real answers about where Bryce Harper is going to sign. So until there's some substantial news about where the transcendent, dinger-knocking hairsmith is headed, all eyes are on Harper to see if he drops any clues about his eventual landing spot.
Last night, Harper, like seemingly every other baseball player on planet Earth, hopped on the sticks for some late-night Fortnite -- and made sure to let the Instagram world know when he got a W thanks to the efforts of his good buddy and fellow Las Vegas baseball guy Cody Howard.

At first glance, this looks like just another baseball player throwing his Fortnite victory up on his IG story, but does this seemingly innocuous picture secretly hold clues to where this season's top free agent will sign? Let's take a look-see.
Right in the middle of the screen we see the words "Victory Royale," a phrase that pops up whenever you win a game of Fortnite. But it could also mean that Harper is envisioning a bunch of Royal victories, which would mean that ... Harper is obviously signing with the Kansas City Royals.
But wait. If you look really closely at the character skin in the picture, you can see it's wearing a black vest.

Vest uniforms have slowly gone out of style over the last decade, but there's still one team that regularly rocks the sleeveless look. And what do you know, they have black uniforms. Harper to the Colorado Rockies confirmed. Book it.

Or ... Follow me on this one. Check out how much health the character has left in that lime green health bar.

Does that combination of the number 12 and the color lime green remind you of anything? The Seattle Seahawks! And who plays next door to the Seahawks? The Mariners!

Which of these absolutely factual Harper rumors do you believe in the most? Or do you think there's another secret in this Instagram that we've missed? Let us know on Twitter @Cut4.

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