The Cubs have combined a deep dish pizza with a hot dog, and it is beautiful

In addition to a couple of baseball teams and some of the very bravest souvenir snatchers in the country, Chicago is known as the home of two legendary foodstuffs: deep dish pizza and the Chicago-style hot dog. And, while both are delicious in their own unique way, never before had the two regional institutions joined forces ... until now.
In celebration of National Hot Dog Month, the Cubs have answered the people's cries. Behold, the deep dish hot dog pizza:

The above piece of art (... piz-za art?) will be sold during Chicago's six-game homestand from July 15-20 and includes the following: Vienna Beef hot dogs, baked inside Giordano's crust with tomato sauce and cheese, all topped with the traditional Chicago hot dog toppings -- mustard, onions, sport peppers and even pickles.
Doesn't it just look -- [sprints out door, buys plane ticket to Chicago]

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