A CPBL team will take the field in these excellent Dragon Ball Z-themed uniforms

The Chinatrust Brothers are arguably the most storied team in Taiwan's CPBL, having appeared in the championship series 13 times since its inception in 1990. This season, however, they're getting a name change: On May 5 and 6, the Brothers will be known as the BrotherZ -- Z as in Dragon Ball Z.
If you grew up in the '90s, chances are you're at least familiar with DBZ, the anime series that came to America in 1998 and promptly inspired every kid to learn how to spell Kamehameha. According to the Brothers' website, this is the first time the show has appeared on a professional baseball uniform -- and they're spectacular:

Since we know you're wondering: Yes, fans will have the chance to collect their very own Dragon Balls at the ballpark.