Minor League ballpark entertainer and comedian Rick Hader has passed away

If you find yourself at a Minor League Baseball game next season, there will be one less smiling face in the crowd. Comedic entertainer Rick Hader, passed away on Wednesday after a battle with cancer, according to Baseball America.
Hader often went by his alias "Myron Noodleman" and was dubbed a "Clown Prince of Baseball" for his entertaining ways at the ballpark.

The Noodleman persona was part of an act that Hader performed at parks all over the country year after year, working the crowd and putting on skits.
The title, "Clown Prince of Baseball," was given to Hader by longtime scout Roland Hemond. Noodleman wasn't the first to wear it, though -- legends Max Patkin, Arlie Latham and Al Schact all held the title at some point. For Hader, the quality seems to run in the family -- Rick was the uncle of actor and former Saturday Night Live comedian Bill Hader.
Jon Terry, Hader's long-time publicist, wrote on Facebook Wednesday to announce the news: "Rick Hader, loved by so many as Myron Noodleman, the Clown Prince of Baseball, leaves this world knowing he made millions laugh and that alone is a life well-lived."