This Giant's batting stance is one of the weirdest things you'll see this season

Batting stances come in all shapes and sizes. You can stagger it like Giancarlo Stanton or sit in an imaginary chair like Albert Pujols. You can turn yourself into a corkscrew like Craig Counsell or stay chill like Barry Bonds.

But no matter how you choose to hold the bat, one thing's for certain: You'll always have your feet parallel with the batter's box, looking out at the pitcher over your shoulder.

... Unless you're Giants outfielder and double-first-name champion Connor Joe, in which case you'll look like you're about to fell a tree with an axe.

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Yes, that really is his stance -- and no, it's not normal to stand with your chest to the mound. In fact, you have to go all the way back to former Blue Jays infielder Tony Batista to find someone who was even in the same ballpark.

You might think it's crazy to swing your body a full 90 degrees while trying to hit a Major League fastball, but hey, we'll defer to the guy who posted a .935 OPS in the Minors last year.

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