This Rangers fan and his hat were in perfect position to reel in Nelson Cruz's 114-mph homer

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When reeling in the Nelson Cruz fourth-inning home run that left his bat at 114 mph, it's less a matter of "trying" than it is sticking your arm out, gripping as tight as you can onto your hat (or any other baseball receptacle that isn't your hand, because holy ouch) and simply hoping beyond hope that the ball somehow finds its way to you.
But as this Rangers fan at Globe Life Park demonstrated on Sunday, that doesn't make it any less impressive:

As we know, sometimes the hats don't make it, so coming away from this operation with both the hat and the ball is nothing short of a resounding success. Because if you're going to catch the homer that put your team down, 2-0, you might as well make a highlight out of it. 

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