Fernando Abad tried to get out of the way of a foul ball, but he only caused a mess

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Games can be tough for relievers when they have to use a bullpen that sits on the field of play. The Oakland Coliseum is one such park, but it's not foreign territory for Red Sox reliever Fernando Abad.
The southpaw spent two seasons of his eight-year career in Oakland, though that was while occupying a space in the other bullpen. Now with the Red Sox, Abad had to adapt to the different territory when an Adam Rosales foul ball headed the visitors' way with Joe Kelly pitching in the bottom of the eighth.
He did not handle it well.

That's a party foul, and even the A's employee acknowledged it. Next round of paper cups is on Abad. At least a Boston fan ended up with the ball!
Of course, not even the A's own bullpen was safe during Friday night's 3-2 win over the Red Sox. Unlike Abad, though, Liam Hendriks remained unfazed. Consider it a minor home-field advantage.

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