Happy Birthday to Kris Bryant, heartthrob of the midwest

Kris Bryant doesn't necessarily need the occasion of his birthday to have a reason to celebrate. He has won an MVP award and a World Series; he once slugged 1.045 over a full season in high school; he is co-owner of his own small business. His life might as well be an endless celebration of greatness.
But, today there is even more reason to celebrate in Kris Bryant land: It's his 26th birthday. So, even though his dream of becoming a dentist didn't quite work out:

There's plenty of incentive to get invested in Bryant's birthday. Who can say "no" to this smile?

We hope he'll celebrate by curling up with some good reading material:

Or dancing to his favorite Eddie Vedder tune:

Whatever he chooses to do, we can be sure he'll offer a frank assessment of its merits.

Even though he's a year older and chose to abandon the noble profession of dentistry to become a baseball player and play in the dirt, he's still a champ in our hearts:

Happy birthday Kris Bryant! On this day, the man who already has every reason to celebrate somehow has one more.

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