Hunter and Alexis Pence might open a coffee shop for board games and esports

Last week, Hunter Pence and his wife Alexis were on the #AskGaryVee YouTube show and podcast, where they answered a few questions about life in baseball and revealed a crucial fact about themselves: They are both huge nerds. Now, we say that affectionately.

Alexis comes from a gaming background, and she has her own Twitch channel where she streams twice weekly. According to Hunter, they also make a great Smash Bros. team. "Alexis is nasty, and [other players] don't even know it. We come in and wreck."
Perhaps in an effort to defeat as many people as possible, Hunter said early in the interview that he was thinking about opening a coffee shop for board games and esports. Both Alexis and Hunter think that esports are the wave of the future and are going to be just as big as baseball in 10 years.
So, does that mean Hunter will be a two-sport star?
"I don't know if I'm going to be a professional gamer because they're incredibly talented and on the next level," he said.
In that case, we'll be stocking up on Alexis Pence Smash Bros. shirseys immediately. 

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