Jason Kipnis is on a quest to troll every mascot in MLB

You may have seen Ketchup's victory in the Hot Dog Race during Wednesday's Rangers-Indians game, made even more stunning and emotional due to the great obstacle he faced: Jason Kipnis.

At the time, we assumed that Kipnis was just going back to the dugout at an inopportune moment, but some investigation from Indians beat reporter Jordan Bastian has revealed that maybe he just really enjoys messing with mascots.
Let's go all the way back to April. What did Raymond ever do to you, Kipnis?

And who is that behind the wheel of the Phanatic's ATV?

Kipnis is lucky the Phanatic didn't break out the cuffs. But the Indians' second baseman doesn't just like pulling pranks on mascots -- he also likes psychologically undermining them:

Come on, Kip! Southpaw just wanted to talk about his fears and hopes with you!
And Kipnis himself acknowledges that this mascot-battling trend is real:

The Indians' next series on the road is at Safeco Field, so we hope the Mariner Moose is ready to defend his territory. Maybe he should call in Orbit for reinforcements:

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