Jennie Finch will become the first female manager of a pro baseball team on Sunday

Jennie Finch has many accomplished titles to her name. She's an Olympic gold medalist, a Celebrity Softball All-Star and an Albert Pujolsstriker-outer. This weekend, she'll add one more by becoming the first female manager of a professional men's baseball team.
Finch will guest manage the independent Atlantic League's Bridgeport Bluefish against the Southern Maryland Blue Crabs on Sunday. According to the team's press release, she will also meet-and-greet fans before the game and throw out the first pitch. Basically, she's one trip out of the bullpen away from doing pretty much everything for the Bluefish -- and we wouldn't rule it out.
As ESPNW points out, Paul O'Neill guest managed the team last year, and Roger Clemens will join the team later this season. But neither are the historic event Finch's appearance will be, coming at a time when Melissa Mayeux is tearing up MLB development camps, Sarah Hudek, college baseball's only female player, is winning games and Justine Siegal is breaking ground as MLB's first female coach.
And if Finch has any questions, she knows who to call: