Jeremy Affeldt saved his dog's life with quick thinking and CPR, and his story will give you goosebumps

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Once a player retires from the game of baseball, he eases into his post-playing days, maybe hitting up the golf course or settling in with a broadcast gig somewhere. It's usually a pretty relaxing gig. 
Jeremy Affeldt, however, was called into action while hanging out at his family farm a few days after Thanksgiving when the family dog, Kodi, began choking on a turkey neck. Affeldt, who retired after the 2015 season, explained what happened once Kodi was back home after a trip to vet, and the story's pretty wild:

Giving mouth-to-mouth (or mouth-to-nose, technically) to a dog isn't something we'd ever expect to be doing, but the moment called for it and Affeldt delivered. 
He called into MLB Network Radio on Tuesday with more details, as you can see in the clip atop this post.
Only having a few minutes (or seconds) with which to react and save the family dog in such a heroic way isn't something to be taken lightly. It's a remarkable feat by Affeldt, but then again, coming through in the clutch isn't anything new for the three-time World Series winner: 

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You're in good hands, Kodi!

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