Joe Maddon's greatest memory of playing on the Santa Clara Padres? Listening to Meat Loaf

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Like many managers, Joe Maddon wasn't exactly the most gifted at actually playing baseball. Try as he might, he was out of organized baseball by 1979, having never advanced out of Class A ball. Which meant he was soon living out of a "closet" while playing for $200 on the independent Santa Clara Padres. 
As he said before the Giants and Cubs squared off in Game 2 of the NLDS on Saturday: 
"Anyway, it was a great experience. I wanted to still play. Of course people thought I couldn't play anymore, I still thought that I could. So, Joe Gagliardi I think was the league president at that time, and he was negotiating the contract because they were owned by the league. And he pretty much told me in no uncertain terms that they didn't need me, take the 200 bucks, take it or leave it. And I wanted to play so badly I took the 'two-hunski.' And then it was a drive from Salinas up there and back for home games."
Did anything stand out to him?  Any lifelong friendships or lessons learned? Well, kind of. While he's not proud of the closet he lived out if, he did say, "That's when I really fell in love with 'Bat Out Of Hell' by Meat Loaf. Very popular."

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