Johnny Damon and Jennie Finch are in for the new all-athlete season of Dancing with the Stars

David Ross made a bit of history last year when he became the first baseball player to appear on Dancing with the Stars. And while he came up just short of first place, he's inspired others to follow in his footsteps: This year's edition of the show is focused exclusively on athletes, and a couple of diamond stars will take part.
First, there's Johnny Damon, who's left the beard behind but still looks plenty spry:

And then there's Jennie Finch, the first softball player to appear on the show:

You can check out the full reveal below, from Kareem Abdul-Jabbar to Josh Norman to Olympics sensations Mirai Nagasu and Adam Rippon:

And hey, their improv skills aren't bad:

Here's hoping we get some more zubaz this season.

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