Post-HOF goal for Ken Griffey Jr.: Rematch game of H-O-R-S-E with Rickey Henderson

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During his induction into the Hall of Fame on Sunday, Ken Griffey Jr. flashed some of the style and spirit that baseball fans came to know and love from the slugger over the years. 
He wore an amazingly detailed suit to the ceremony and, in a classic Junior moment, put his cap on backward at the end of his speech. He also told an amusing story about losing a game of H-O-R-S-E back when he was 14, noting that he'd still like that rematch ...
Naturally, his recounting of their blacktop matchup caused Henderson to crack a vintage Rickey smile as he was seated on stage at the ceremony. Watch Griffey tell the tale atop this post.
While we all await the status of Griffey and Henderson's next H-O-R-S-E showdown, enjoy this footage of Griffey in a dunk competition with Barry Bonds, Deion Sanders, Michael Irvin and more circa 1992: 

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