Mike Trout giving his bat to a young fan at Fenway will melt your cold heart

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Saturday was a pretty big day for Mike Trout. Beyond getting to spend another day as possibly the best baseball player on the planet -- a momentous occasion if there ever was one -- Trout announced to the world via social media that he and his girlfriend Jess were engaged. Befitting a man of meteorology, the sky was involved:

After all that, Trout still had a baseball game to play against the Red Sox on Saturday night. And since he'd already made one dream come true that day, he decided to do the same for somebody else -- namely, one lucky fan at Fenway, who still can't believe he was the recipient of a Mike Trout bat:

Trout recorded a couple of hits to help the Angels rack up a whopping 21 runs on the night, so who knows, that bat may very well hold some magical powers.

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