Max Muncy showed that the Dodgers-Giants rivalry is very much alive with the quote of the season

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The Giants and Dodgers have a history as one of the most heated rivalries in baseball. They're two storied franchises that both moved from New York to California. They play in the same state and the same division. In recent seasons, though, their paths have diverged. The Dodgers have made two straight World Series while the Giants haven't had a winning record in either season.

Nevertheless, the rivalry is as heated as ever. Last summer, a seemingly routine foul ball ended with the benches clearing. On Sunday, the teams wrote another chapter as a Max Muncy home run turned into a dispute with Giants pitcher Madison Bumgarner as Muncy rounded the bases.

Apparently, Bumgarner didn't appreciate Muncy watching his ball leave the park and made his grievance known. In response to those concerns, Muncy delivered what may go down as the soundbite of the season:

There's no doubt that the Giants-Dodgers rivalry is as heated and intense as ever. You can be sure that "go get it out of the ocean" will continue to fuel it for the foreseeable future.

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