Here are the five best reactions from Starling Marte's tumble into the stands on Saturday night

During the Reds' 5-3 loss to the Pirates on Saturday night,Brandon Phillips hit two home runs. The first one was relatively uneventful, but the second one featured an incredible and unforgettable moment that should, nay, must be discussed.
Phillips ripped a 1-0 Iván Nova pitch deep to left field that sent Starling Marte chasing after it. To make a long story short, Marte followed the baseball's lead and ended up in the stands.

Now, what makes this picture so amazing is that not a single fan in this photo is looking at Marte. They are all completely focused on the home run ball. All of them. Now, let's see what this moment can teach us about fan prioritization hierarchy. 
5. Happy Reds Fan Guy 

As one of the few Reds fans in the shot, he actually has a reason for not noticing Marte's tumble. He's also made no effort towards the ball. He is too transfixed, too consumed by his total and complete state of jubilation.
4. Front Row Baby Guy

A bold decision here by this dad, bringing his small baby to the front row. One little slip or one little arm cramp and your front-row baby is now an on-field baby. But This guy seems to have robust, stable forearms so I wouldn't be too worried about that. 
3. Subtle Double Beer Guy

Most fans near home run balls will sacrifice their beverage of choice for the opportunity to catch a ball. But this homie, known to us only as Subtle Double Beer Guy, had no interest in a beer-for-ball swap. Upon closer examination, you can see that he's holding a second beer in his left hand. You can justify a one-beer sacrifice, but a two-beer sacrifice is blasphemous. 
2. Boutta Get His Clock Rocked Guy

Starling Marte's feet boutta crush this dude in the face and he doesn't even know it. 

OK, looks like he got lucky. 
1. Kid Actually Looking at Starling Marte

Earlier I said no one was looking at Starling Marte. Well, I lied. This kid is. 
Surrounded by adults towering over him, this bright young kid realized he had no dream of catching this home run ball. Instead, he redirected his attention forwards, towards the field, towards history.
Children, man, they're the future. Teach them well and let them lead the way.
Jake Mintz is one of the founders of Cespedes Family BBQ. You can follow him on Twitter at @CespedesBBQ.

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