Rangers fan picks up foul ball with giant net, threatens to #disrupt foul ball industry

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For years, mankind has struggled against the limitations of trying to catch a tiny white ball moving at high speeds with nothing but our hands. We tried cups of beer, but that only got us wet. We tried buckets of popcorn, but that was only a waste of popcorn. We tried our hats, but that went ... poorly. We even, in our very lowest moments, brought actual gloves to the ballpark.
But now, this dark age is finally over. One fan during Friday's Mariners-Rangers game has shown us the light: Why go through all the physical and emotional stress of trying to reel in a foul ball, when you can just let a giant net do the work for you?

While some may think this flies in the face of the spirit of foul ball catching, we prefer to see it as innovation. Surely retrieval suction technology can't be far behind.

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