The legend of the Rally Mantis lives on thanks to these Royals fans and their terrifying masks

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It all began with a bug, a dugout, and the winds of fate. After the Royals acquired outfielder Billy Burns from the A's prior to the non-waiver Trade Deadline, he was welcomed to Kansas City by the local wildlife -- notably, one giant praying mantis, who decided to hang out on his hat during the team's game against the Blue Jays on Saturday.
But wait: K.C. trailed Toronto BPM (that's Before Praying Mantis) and proceeded to rally for a 4-2 victory. Was this a coincidence, or something more? We couldn't be sure ... until the next day, when the Royals won again, 7-1. And do you know who was in attendance?

And lo, the Rally Mantis was born. Word of its power quickly spread throughout the heartland. And because Royals fans always know a good-luck charm when they see one, it didn't take long before they began constructing -- and wearing -- idols in its honor. Terrifying, terrifying idols:

You may now print this out and burn it deep within your nightmares. You're welcome:

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