What would you do if you ran into an All-Star in real life?

The following is a transcript of a segment from this week's episode of the Cut4Cast podcast. To hear more of the Cut4 staff's weekly banterings about which position player is the best at pitching or how baseball would work in outer space, subscribe to the Cut4Cast by clicking here.
Miami's All-Star Game was a festival of food, fun, and phenomenal dingers. OK, we know that doesn't start with an "F," but it sounds good when you read it out loud. Cut4's own Matt Monagan was at and around Marlins Park during All-Star Week, and he joined Dakota Gardner and Gemma Kaneko on the Cut4Cast to talk about it. 
Dakota: Did you eat anything local? No Cuban food?
Matt: There was a really cool taco place right across the street from our hotel, and they actually had grasshopper tacos.
Gemma: Did you eat one?
Matt: Well, I ate -- Jake [of Cespedes Family BBQ] got a grasshopper taco and he ate it, and I had one of the grasshoppers from the grasshopper taco.
Dakota: What did you think?
Matt: I don't think I'm going to be eating it again.
Dakota: Really? How was it prepared? Because this is like the hot tip at Safeco now.
Matt: Yeah, they love it at Safeco. I don't know, they were mini-grasshoppers. You know how when you think of grasshoppers you think they're kind of big? These were very small, and they put a lot of salt on them but the crunch … I don't know if I can handle the crunch of the grasshopper, of eating the bug.
Gemma: Do they taste weird? Is it gooey?
Matt: No, it's not gooey. It's really crunchy and they just pour salt all over it. The other tacos were great. I did not have any Cuban food. I wanted to, I just didn't get there in time. At the airport there was a great Cuban place, but I went to the bagel line instead.
Dakota: We're never sending you to another All-Star Game.
Gemma: How do you go to Miami and not get one Cuban sandwich?
Dakota: Well, did you run into anybody famous in line for the bagel shop?
Matt: I did run into someone famous. I was getting a bagel, I ordered my bagel, I was waiting for my bagel, and I looked back in the line, and who do I see but Michael Conforto
Matt and Dakota: Mets All-Star.
Dakota: Mets All-Star. Just feel that phrase in your mouth. Mets All-Star Michael Conforto.
Matt: Mouthwatering. He was back there and he was with his girlfriend. He had a hit in the game! First All-Star at-bat! A little single up the middle.

Gemma: Matt, did you talk to him?
Matt: I wanted to! I wanted to buy him a bagel. I wanted to ask him what bagel he wanted. But I didn't talk to him. I got nervous. I ran away.