Trevor Bauer appears to have opened up a Friday night math club on Twitter, because why not?

The offseason can be a real grind. As soon as the World Series ends, bringing to a close months of nearly constant action on the diamond, it's easy to be overcome with a sense of ... "well, what NOW?" 
For Indians right-hander Trevor Bauer, that newfound down time apparently includes hitting Twitter to basically act as a math tutor. That's what happened on Friday, at least, after a girl named Maddie opened up a conversation with him regarding his now-infamous drone:

She then asked him for math advice, as -- let's be honest -- math is sometimes just a bit too challenging:

Bauer was game, though, and knew his stuff:

The back-and-forth continued, as the problem really was quite complex (to those of us not gifted with mathematical prowess, at least):

In the end, it worked out!

Now that's a productive Friday night. And, by the looks of it, Bauer might have opened Pandora's box with this experience:

h/t @IAmJoonLee

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