This detailed graphic will help you come to terms with Trevor Story's wild three-homer game

On Wednesday night, Rockies shortstop Trevor Story had a good game. In his first at-bat, he lost his balance and still managed to hit a 459-foot home run.

Three innings later, he hit a 505-foot blast deep into the Colorado skyline. He then came up again later in the game and hit another homer, a somewhat pedestrian (by context) 416-foot shot.
Seems like he hit a lot of feet of home runs, right? But math is hard. It's not for everybody. So when you hear the phrase "Story hit 1,380 feet of home runs," can you understand it in terms that make sense? Maybe, maybe not. 
Thanks to the Rockies, though, everybody can fully appreciate Story's momentous evening with this handy and oh-so-fancy graphic: 

This helps a ton. Thank you, folks!

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