Watch in awe and terror as two dinosaurs pull grounds crew duty at a college baseball game

Mankind may never learn. Did the original "Jurassic Park" not teach us that we can't possibly control dinosaur life? And did the reboot of "Jurassic Park" not remind us of that fact, while also showing us just how bad a reboot could be? 
Still, we just don't learn. How else can you explain why the Ole Miss baseball team would dare risk using dinosaurs to help rake the pitcher's mound on Friday night? 

Of course, judging by the chaos at the end of the clip, it appears that once again a dinosaur rampage was in the cards. 
If humans don't use this moment to realize that people and dinosaurs don't mix, then please, I'm begging that the next "Jurassic Park" film be set at a baseball game. Because raptors pitching are the best. 

(h/t Big League Stew