Jeter went hunting for his iconic rookie Topps card. Did he find it?

Even though their picture might be on the front, some big league stars can’t resist the urge to rip open baseball card packs themselves, including the man with one of the most iconic cards of all time.

Derek Jeter recently sat down with Topps to open some packs of their 1993 set to chase his iconic rookie card. While his debut didn’t come until 1995, Topps still included the fresh-faced Jeter as a Draft pick in what would become his most sought-after card.

Jeter told Topps that while he wasn’t much of a collector in his younger days, he would often buy packs just for a piece of gum. Like most of us, even one of the greatest players of all time craved the sugar rush of the bright pink candy.

He also discussed his own personal memorabilia collection, which includes his entire locker from the original Yankee Stadium.

Did Jeter actually find what would be considered a holy grail for most collectors? Well, you’ll just have to see for yourself to find out.

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