#ASGWorthy Andrus sparks resilient Rangers

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ARLINGTON -- The Rangers pulled off their biggest comeback win of the season Tuesday night with a 9-5 victory over the Rays at Globe Life Park. But this come-from-behind win -- sparked by a three-run home run by Elvis Andrus -- might be more than just another win, as this one could put an end to a rough stretch.
"Well, I believe so," manager Jeff Banister said. "The things that we've gone through, some of the ways we've lost games, situations where we're trying to grind and work our way back into this thing, situations where these guys play with emotion and passion -- look, they're willing to go out and lay it all on the line every single night, and that's how they play.
"I love this group so much, and it's been great to be around them and be part of it and manage them. They run the gamut, as far as how they compete every single night. That's what keeps us in games, that's what keeps us going. It's when we're down, we continue to fight. I'm happy with that."
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The Rangers were in danger of losing for the eighth time in 10 games before they pulled off the rally.

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"It was a good one, a good win," Andrus said. "Especially with the way the game was going in the middle innings. Everybody thought we were out of the game, but it was not that way. We are a resilient team, and we are going to continue to play hard."
The Rangers trailed, 5-2, in the seventh before Andrus tied it with his three-run shot off of Rays reliever Danny Farquhar. Andrus fouled off a first-pitch fastball, before crushing a second one over the left-field wall.
"I was thinking about putting a good swing on it," Andrus said. "He was being aggressive, especially with the fastball. As soon as I missed the first pitch, I said, 'Throw it again.' I'm glad he threw a good pitch, and I put a good swing on it."
Keone Kela shut down the Rays with a scoreless top of the eighth, and his emotions were overflowing as he came off the field and was met by Banister in the dugout.
"A lot of things talked about, lot of things written about Keone," Banister said. "He is highly competitive, fiery, can be emotional at times. I was talking to him about how proud I was of how he competed and how he throws strikes and how he continues to show up for us."
The Rangers responded with a four-run rally in the eighth to complete an emotional win.

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