Cleveland superpowers: J-Ram is 'Superman'

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What superpower would you like to have? We’ve all thought about it. Some want the ability to fly, others want to be able to be invisible or read minds. But what about the “superpowers” that are actually attainable?

You don’t have to be in a comic book or a Marvel movie to boast a superpower -- as they say, not every superhero wears a cape. Nearly everyone on the Indians’ roster was asked a simple question: “If you viewed your teammates’ skill sets as their superpowers, who’s superpower would you steal?”

Here’s what they had to say (Spoiler alert: You’re about to learn how many different skills José Ramírez has that his teammates covet):

Roberto Pérez: “[José] Ramírez. He’s Superman. He does it all. He hustles, he’s always taking the extra base, he hits for power, hits for average. He plays good defense, too. The guy does it all.”

Bobby Bradley: “I’d take [Bradley] Zimmer’s speed. Add that speed to the repertoire.”

Bradley Zimmer: “Franmil [Reyes'] Hulk strength.”

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Josh Naylor: “If I was to take one, I would probably go with probably [Shane Bieber’s] dominance or I mean Josey’s just clutchness. I love to be a clutch player and I love to provide for the team. Obviously Josey does it day in and day out. That’s where I want to get to and that’s what I try to work on every day.”

James Karinchak: “Bieber’s command. It’s the best in the game.”

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Eddie Rosario: “José Ramírez. The ability that he has to put the bat on the ball and get good contact consistently. Not only that but pull the ball the way he does but also keep it fair.”

Aaron Civale: “I’m probably pretty emotionally flat on the field. I think Franmil plays with a lot of energy. So maybe that energy I would take. But on the inside, I think I do a pretty good job.”

Nick Sandlin: “Franmil’s power, because it would be fun to hit a ball as far as he can.”

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Austin Hedges: “There's a couple guys on our team, specifically José and Cesar [Hernandez], where -- it's gonna be a weird one -- they have unbelievable consistency. And that doesn't sound like a superpower with power velocity or speed or whatnot, you show up to the yard every day and you know exactly what Jose Ramirez and what Cesar Hernandez are gonna get. And I just, I love that.”

José Ramírez: “I’d like to have Hedges’ talkativeness and energy. He’s always talking and communicating. On the field, on the plane, in the clubhouse. It doesn’t matter if he’s 0-for-3 or 4-for-4, he has the same talking/energy.”

Nick Wittgren: “Zimmer’s speed. I mean, he just floats. It’s almost like he’s flying out there.”

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Harold Ramirez: “If I were to pick one, I would steal the ones from José Ramírez and his ability to pull the ball and make consistent solid contact.”

Shane Bieber: “So I’ll take [Zach] Plesac’s hands and athleticism off the mound. That’s another added benefit and that will always put you in a good spot.”

Cal Quantrill: “It’d be hard not to take whatever José’s got. I don’t even know what superpower that is. See ball, hit ball. I think José’s clutchness has already impressed me. I know I’ve only been here for 120 games or so, but if you face him in late innings, just walk him. So whatever superpower that is -- coming through in the moment -- I’ll take that one.”

Phil Maton: “That’s easy: [Emmanuel] Clase’s cutter. That’s because mine’s 90 and his is 100. I’ll take an extra 10 miles an hour.”

Zach Plesac: “I would say the superpower would be ... let’s see ... Mr. Incredible: Josey. I don’t know how to explain it. His ambidextrousness? So like both sides of his body being really good at stuff.”

Yu Chang: “Franmil Reyes’ power, because in BP, he hits a lot of homers so far away. I can’t hit it that far.”

Cesar Hernandez: “Clase’s arm. I’ve seen a lot of flame throwers, but nothing compares to the life his ball has out of his hand and late movement.”

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Amed Rosario: “Jose Ramirez’s skill set. He makes it all look so easy and it’s not. He makes playing third base look like it’s a simple position.”

Ernie Clement: “Probably Bobby’s power. His strength. His super strength. So I can hit balls as far as him.”

Emmanuel Clase: “Hit like Jose Ramírez. He’s super aggressive in the box but always looks under control. He has the same intensity whether he strikes out or hits home runs.”

Bryan Shaw: “I’d say Clase’s cutter, because he throws 100.”

Franmil Reyes: “José Ramírez. Can I steal them all? Everything. Honestly, everything. It comes with one package.”

José Ramírez’s reaction to being picked the most: “I didn’t know they see me in that light. It makes me happy to see that recognition from them. Perhaps I don’t see those things, because normally one is not looking at oneself and one’s own skills. Knowing it’s encouraging makes me happy, because we have a group of good baseball players.”

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