Abreu (left ankle) returns to White Sox lineup

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CINCINNATI -- White Sox first baseman José Abreu was back in the lineup on Wednesday after missing Tuesday's game with a bruised left ankle.
Abreu left Monday's game against the Reds in the seventh inning after he fouled a ball off his ankle in the sixth inning. White Sox manager Rick Renteria said taking Abreu out of Monday's game and sitting him on Tuesday was a precautionary measure and that he could have played if needed.
Renteria had a shin guard sitting on his desk on Wednesday and made it clear Abreu will be required to wear it going forward.
"He is walking around pretty good," Renteria said. "I have his protection ready. As I told you last night, I'll be making sure he is wearing this every day. It is probably still sore, but it is something he can manage."
Garcia dealing with tightness in both hamstrings
Avisaíl García had his left hamstring wrapped in the clubhouse on Tuesday night following a 12-8 extra-innings win over Cincinnati. Garcia said he is experiencing mild tightness in both hamstrings. A strained right hamstring sent Garcia to the 10-day disabled list in April, and he's been playing through tightness in that hamstring as well as his left one of late. Renteria said on Tuesday he asked Garcia to be cautious with his explosiveness out of the box.

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Garcia said he is fine and just needs to be cautious and get the necessary treatment.
"A regular ground ball, I am just going to jog. If it is out, it is out," Garcia said. "If I have a chance to beat it out, then I am going to try my best. That's the only way I can be careful with my hamstring."
"Everything is manageable and under control," Renteria said. "He does all of his routines and stretching. We know that he is a big man and has to play through things like this. He is going to have tightness and soreness like most players do. We know when we can expect him to give us a nice burst when it is necessary."

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