Of course White Claw uniforms are a thing now

There may be no laws while you're drinking claws (please note that this is wildly unsound legal advice), but there are fantastically fizzy Minor League uniforms -- at least there will be, on six Wednesdays this season, thanks to the Class A Lakewood BlueClaws and their new White Claw Wednesday promotion.

(Yes, the team's name is the BlueClaws; no, we don't know why it took them so long to capitalize on this.)

In addition to the uniforms, there will of course be drink specials at the park. It's all part of what appears to be a contest (Clawntest?) with their fellow New Jersey Minor League club, the Trenton Thunder, so let's just hope this doesn't end until someone manages to get Megan Thee Stallion to the ballpark.

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