A miracle catch you're going to want to watch in slo mo

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Two outs. Two strikes. Two runners on. Maybe it was only fitting that John Rave had to catch this baseball twice.

On Tuesday, the outfielder for Triple-A Omaha in the Royals’ organization made a snag you’re going to want to watch again. Tracking a deep fly ball from Cubs prospect Matt Mervis back toward the fence, the Storm Chasers’ center fielder leapt to make the play.

But Rave didn’t catch the ball. Not yet, anyway.

The baseball popped out of Rave’s glove and hit just below the top of the outfield wall. It glanced off Rave’s right shoulder and hit the wall again, which shouldn't diminish the incredibly acrobatic play that followed. As the outfielder stumbled backward, he inadvertently tipped the ball with his glove. Rave instinctively snagged the ball with his bare hand before tumbling over onto the warning track.

It was a third out to Rave about -- and one you certainly don’t see every day.

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