Watch Minor Leaguer and budding pop star Tim Dillard perform at the Univision Sports Awards

Brewers Minor Leaguer Tim Dillard isn't your typical farmhand. When he's not crafting elaborate short films, he's taking over Milwaukee's Twitter account or hosting impromptu talk shows. He also really, really loves to lip sync along with reggaeton songs. Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:

And, finally, here he is crushing Song of the Year candidate "Despacito":

Naturally, it didn't take long for such an overwhelming talent to get noticed. On Sunday, Dillard got to take his talents to South Beach ... to perform at the Univision Sports Awards. 

The performance was every bit as over the top as you'd expect:

At least one of Milwaukee's athletic trainers was a big fan:

If our dreams of an MLB Talent Show are ever realized, we know who our money will be on.

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