Gary Sanchez used an emphatic bat drop to celebrate his massive home run over the Monster

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Gary Sanchez hits a lot of home runs. Though he struggled at the plate and battled injuries this year, the Yankees catcher still crushed 18 home runs in the regular season. Now healthy and playing on the biggest stage in the postseason, he showed off those home run-hitting skills with two blasts in the Yankees' 6-2 victory in Game 2 of the American League Division Series against the Red Sox on Saturday.
While the first one was big -- his solo shot in the second inning opened up a 2-0 lead for New York -- his second was an emphatic blast that put the game out of reach. 
With runners on first and third in the top of the seventh, Sanchez smashed Eduardo Rodriguez's offering over the Green Monster and onto Lansdowne Street. The dinger gave New York a 6-1 lead. 
The catcher didn't just watch it fly over the wall though, but he added an emphatic mic drop at the plate. Because when you hit a stadium-quieting home run against your fierciest rivals, a mere bat flip just won't do. 

That also led the Yankees to this amazing tweet -- not only does it reference Fenway's famous wall, but it also alludes to Sanchez's fittingly October "Scary Gary" nickname:

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