A horse on the field delayed an Australian Baseball League game

Throughout baseball history, there have been a number of animals that rose to prominence by altering the action on the field in one way or another. There was the thrilling escape of Marlins Cat, the vicious midges of Cleveland and of course, the legendary St. Louis rally squirrel who changed the course of the 2011 postseason.

But never had we seen a lifeform as large or as majestic as a horse make its way onto the diamond at an inopportune time ... until now.
Down in Australia, where the cricket is lit and summer happens in December, baseball is in full swing thanks to the wonderful Australian Baseball League. And early Thursday morning, while all of us in the states were sleeping, a majestic horse found its way onto the field and delayed the start of a game between the Brisbane Bandits and the Canberra Cavalry.

Look at how ticked off that pitcher is. Sure, pitchers are creatures of habit and don't like having their routines messed with, but horses are also creatures of habit and don't like having their pregame trots around the outfield track interrupted by silly men in baseball pants. 
Australia is home to a cavalcade of unique lifeforms, so if a game gets delayed by a koala or a kangaroo or a wombat, we'll make sure to keep you updated.