Adam Eaton makes a young blind fan's day by taking a very memorable picture

The amount of autograph seekers a Major League player comes across in a day is likely staggering, the sheer amount of people probably amounting to an amorphous blob in the player's mind. 
But on Tuesday, one fan stood out to White Sox outfielder Adam Eaton: 6-year-old Trevor King, a blind baseball fan wearing a White Sox T-shirt who called to the outfielder. 
But Eaton didn't just give King an autograph and a shake of the hand, though. No, Eaton made sure this would be a photo to remember. The White Sox outfielder picked up King to take a picture with him, being sure to reassure him that everything was okay.  

It didn't end there. Eaton also gave the young fan a bat and a pair of his batting gloves. 
As Eaton told Yahoo's Mike Oz afterward, "You always have to give back to those kids, because at one point or another, you were that kid. I try to make it special for them, something they'll remember, because I know I wanted that to happen when I was a kid." 
I think we can safely say he succeeded on Tuesday. 

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