Wright pondering surgery after knee sprain

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BOSTON -- Red Sox knuckleballer Steven Wright might need surgery to repair a left knee sprain that led to the righty going on the 10-day disabled list on Tuesday.
Wright had a second opinion from Dr. Riley Williams in New York on Tuesday.
"I don't have the exact findings of the second opinion. I can't say it's drastically different than the exam done here," said Red Sox manager John Farrell. "Based on the information Steven has received, based on the information that has been handed to our medical staff, I know Steven is contemplating the options available to him. Surgery's not ruled out. But what is elected to be done going forward is still up to Steven and the course of action to be taken."
Farrell didn't know what the timetable would be if Wright elected surgery because there are currently multiple kinds of procedures being contemplated.
Wright is off to a tough start this season, going 1-3 with an 8.25 ERA in five starts. He was an All-Star last season, but his second half was derailed by a right shoulder injury sustained while pinch-running at Dodger Stadium.
Kyle Kendrick will fill in for Wright in the rotation, starting on Thursday against the Orioles.
David Price remains on the disabled list with a left elbow strain, but he'll take another step toward starting a Minor League rehab assignment when he faces hitters at Fenway Park on Thursday afternoon.
Worth noting
• Center fielder Jackie Bradley Jr., who is hitting .184 this season, was out of the lineup on Wednesday against righty Kevin Gausman. It is rare for Bradley not to play against a righty. Chris Young started in left, with Andrew Benintendi moving to center.
"There's been some hard contact mixed in to some other at-bats where he was maybe a little overaggressive," said Farrell. "And Jackie's an aggressive hitter. We know that. There's been a couple of at-bats where I think he's had a good pass at some pitches. And even prior to this stretch, this was a game kind of targeted to get C.Y. in there. We knew well ahead of time there was going to be a run of right-handed starters coming at us, and a day to keep him in the mix, keep him fresh, give Jackie a day off. Tonight's the night."
• It continues to be slow going for third baseman Pablo Sandoval, who is on the disabled list with a right knee sprain. Sandoval has been out since April 24, but has yet to resume baseball activities.
"Yesterday was a better day for him," Farrell said prior to Wednesday's game. "Some of that swelling that we've talked about, he's worked at getting out of there is starting to reduce some, but still, while there's slight improvement that way, there's still not a timeframe for activities to begin. He's got to go through some conditioning, whether it's elliptical, treadmill, to out on the flat ground, that progression still has to take place before we start getting him in cage or start taking ground balls."
• The latest target for utilityman Brock Holt, who was called off his Minor League rehab assignment earlier this week with recurring symptoms of vertigo, is to start playing again this weekend.
This has been an ongoining situation with Holt, said Farrell.
If symptoms persist, Holt might see Mickey Collins, a concussion specialist in Pittsburgh. Holt has had numerous concussions in the past, and it's unclear if the vertigo might somehow be related.

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