Spray delay: Sprinklers go off in Tribe-A's 6th

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CLEVELAND -- In the middle of an absolute chaotic sixth inning in Thursday's 8-0 Indians win over the A's at Progressive Field, the outfield sprinklers came on for about 42 seconds, resulting in a break in play and a standing ovation from the 19,767 in attendance.
The sprinklers automatically kicking on was icing on the cake, as the game had gotten completely out of hand in the inning after what initially appeared to be a pitcher's duel between Indians ace Corey Kluber and Athletics right-hander Jharel Cotton.
The Indians began the inning by loading the bases with no outs on a single, a walk and an error. They ended up scoring three runs on a walk, a bloop single and a double-challenge that ended in the team's favor. Just when things couldn't get much worse, the sprinklers turned on and provided some levity.
The Indians scored one more run in the inning on another error before reliever John Axford finally recorded the final out when Roberto Pérez grounded into a fielder's choice at second.
After the smoke cleared, only one of the four runs the Indians scored in the inning were earned. The Indians recorded two hits, and the A's committed two errors.

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