Ross hopes to decide next step by end of season

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SAN DIEGO -- The rehab process for Padres righty Tyson Ross has continued into the final weeks of the season, with Ross now getting multiple opinions this week to figure out the best course of action.
Padres manager Andy Green put to bed the idea that Ross would pitch for the team again this season and said that surgery is a possibility, but one that the 29-year-old Ross wanted to avoid.
"I think his desire is to explore all other options before you go that route because once you go that route you can't take a step back and say you wish you didn't do that," Green said. "Surgery is an option, but right now it's exploring all other options first."
Ross' rehab process has been lengthy since he was diagnosed with right shoulder inflammation after his Opening Day start. He's had multiple setbacks that have delayed recovery.
Ross will have tests throughout this week before figuring out the next step.
"He's had multiple opinions, multiple tests done in the past couple weeks, trying to ascertain what the best course of action is," Green said. "And he's still in that process of having tests done. Until those tests are done and doctors come to a consensus, we really don't have a plan laid out for him.
"He'll continue those tests through this week and hopefully by the end of this week, before the season ends, we can know exactly where we're going to go with him."
Cosart also undergoing tests
Jarred Cosart is away from the team having an MRI exam and X-rays taken on his right elbow. Cosart left his start on Saturday after the first inning with right elbow inflammation and has been dealing with a bone spur in the back of his elbow for about a month.
Cosart was scheduled to make one final start this Saturday, but it seems unlikely that he will throw again after saying that he was tired of dealing with the pain and that he wanted to avoid future issues.

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