Mike Trout is The Weather Channel's on-the-ground reporter at his parents' house

Back in August, Mike Trout and The Weather Channel were discussing the possibility "to have Trout moonlight as a field correspondent during the offseason, should a major storm head toward his hometown of Millville, N.J."
Well, guess what? Trout got his wish: There's something of a snowstorm throttling the entire East Coast right now. 

On Saturday morning, MLB's resident weather expert called TWC's Jim Cantore to give updates on the storm, as seen from his parents' house in Millville:
"It's been crazy, for sure. Obviously, up all night -- up every hour checking the measurements. We've probably got about a foot, and it's coming down steady right now. The wind is the worst part about it, it's blowing hard. There's probably, by my parents' house, four-to-five-to-six foot drifts. The roads are terrible ...

It's awesome, I love it."
There you have it -- when more than a foot of snow drops overnight, the 2014 AL MVP is in his elements.
"So Trouty, has this one delivered to your expectations?" Cantore asked.
"Oh yeah … I can't complain, man. It's all I can ask for, is 12 inches of snow."
As Cantore said, with meteorology chops like these, Trout is "probably gonna go into weather in about 20 years after his career ends."

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