Bryce Harper going to the Phillies means these Nationals fans had to rename their dog

A lot has changed in the world since Bryce Harper agreed to a deal with the Phillies Thursday afternoon. Phillies fans have lost their minds with excitement. MLB: The Show 19 finally got a cover.

And, wouldn't you know it, even a very good dog got caught up in the post-Harper madness. The Caskey family had a five-year-old Goldendoodle named after the ex-National, but with Thursday's news, they were forced to reevaluate their naming decision.

After a brief brainstorming session, they decided to go with Max. Scherzer has three years left on his contract with the Nationals, so they won't have to worry about changing the name again too soon.

Max/Bryce isn't the first pet the Caskeys named after a Nationals player. They've also had a turtle named Adam Dunn and a hamster named Daniel Murphy.

While the real Harper is using Spring Training to get to know his new teammates, dog Bryce Harper will spend it getting used to his new name. Hopefully Max Theodore Caskey -- nee Bryce Harper Caskey -- has a smooth and productive Spring Training.

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