The Yasiel Puig 'Wild Horse' bobblehead is here and it is extremely metal

Yasiel Puig is one of the most dynamic players in baseball, equally likely to lick his bat or kiss his hitting coach or bonk a ball off his head or briefly ascend to the astral plane. But for as joyous as he is to watch, the very thing that makes him the Wild Horse also presents a dilemma: How can you possibly capture that passion, that emotion, that Puigness in a bobblehead?

The Reds' answer: Have him flex with his tongue out while riding atop a literal wild horse that also has its tongue out for some reason.

You can get one of your own if you make the trip to Great American Ball Park on July 18, but be warned: If you come within 500 feet of it the air guitar riff from "Bill and Ted" starts playing on loop forever.

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